Top Stories In The Stock Market Today Traders Are Reading Now - June 10 2021


Best Stocks To Invest In Right Now? 3 Biotech Stocks To Know

When looking for the most active stocks today, investors would likely think of meme stocks. However, biotech stocks may also come to mind as well in the stock market today. As most seasoned investors would know, the biotech industry is jam-packed with exciting news for traders to digest. Namely, the biotech industry is filled with companies that conduct research on life-improving treatments. Given the vast array of illnesses to be cured today, investors would have plenty of companies to choose from now.

For instance, a very prominent example would be COVID-19. Following the outbreak of the pandemic, countless biotech companies sprang into action to develop a vaccine. Now, companies such as Moderna Inc. (NASDAQ: MRNA) and Novavax Inc. (NASDAQ: NVAX) are in the spotlight thanks to their vaccines. In the case of Moderna, the company’s vaccine continues to make its way across the globe now. Just yesterday, news broke of the U.S. government reportedly being in negotiations with Moderna to secure additional vaccine doses for other countries. Elsewhere, investors appear keen on Novavax’s upcoming vaccine candidate as well. Analysts from both B. Riley Securities and Jefferies hit the company’s shares with a Buy rating, citing that the company is nearing regulatory approval. As it stands, both MRNA stock and NVAX stock have more than tripled in value over the past year.

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Hot Penny Stocks For 2021, 3 Under $3 You Need to Know About

Buying penny stocks in 2021 has been challenging. With the pandemic, fears of inflation, and a general market slump, penny stocks have not performed as well as hoped in the past two months. Despite this, small-caps have outperformed the general stock market, as indicated by large intraday volume and gains among certain companies. Because of the massive gains witnessed last year and into early 2021, many stocks were riding on sky-high valuations. 

Soon after, we witnessed a major price correction, bringing both penny stocks and blue chips back down to an acceptable level. And since then, stocks have been trading mostly sideways. This is common when there is a great degree of uncertainty in the market.

And while vaccine efforts are massively underway, up until a few weeks ago, investors were unsure about the future of the pandemic. So, now that things are looking up, some believe that the market could see a solid rebound in the coming months. 

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Best Cannabis Stocks To Buy Right Now? 2 Top US Marijuana Stocks In Q2 2021

Does your list of marijuana stocks have good investments on it in the summer of 2021? With the cannabis sector trading near some of the lowest price points in June, there has been some upside so far this month. This could be a good time to find cannabis stocks to add to your watchlist this week. In the US cannabis companies are performing extremely well and expanding across the US into the emerging cannabis market. 

Primarily, this growth has increased revenue and most top marijuana companies are reporting strong first-quarter 2021 results. In addition, many companies are forecasting much higher numbers in their 2021 guidance. As these cannabis companies expand mergers and acquisitions have become a method of rapidly growing their presence in the market. One factor that continues to help drive marijuana stocks in 2021 is federal cannabis legalization.

Currently, Congress is expected to vote on the MORE Act sometime in June. This could send the cannabis sector trading higher in the market. So far in 2021, the cannabis sector saw significant gains in the first few months of this year. Although some of these gains have been lost as the year progressed February highs could be a gauge as to where top marijuana stocks to buy could go with the proper catalysts.

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New ETF disclosure highlights one more risk investors need to watch for: unidentified aerial phenomena

There’s a new potential risk investors need to watch out for, and it’s out of this world.

Exchange-traded fund provider ProcureAM this week submitted a regulatory filing with the SEC citing a new unprecedented risk: unidentified aerial phenomena.

ProcureAM — which provides a space-themed ETF that trades under the ticker symbol UFO — added UAPs, defined as a “flying object that looks or moves unlike any known aircraft used by the U.S. or any foreign country” to the risks in its fund’s prospectus, “effective immediately.”

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